Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Tea Stall

A tea stall signifies a place where one can take tea or coffee. It has become a common spectacle everywhere nowadays.  Hardly can we find someone who does not visit it. Ordinarily, it is a small shop where tea is prepared and sold. Along with tea, biscuits and other snacks are also kept for the customers to eat at the time of drinking tea. It is generally a small shop furnished with few chairs, tables and benches. Nearly all of the tea stalls are situated in the crowded places. Though it opens very early in the morning, it closes very late at night. The quality and the standard of tea stalls vary from place to place according to the status of the locality where they are run. It is frequently visited by the weary passersby, the tired office assistants, the laborers, the exhausted rickshaw pullers etc. But very often it becomes a meeting place for students and political workers. They go on gossiping in groups on any kind of subjects. In fact, it is a place for gossip, rest and recreation. People who come to a tea stall stay here for long do not leave it instantaneously after taking a cup of tea. It is a pleasure resort for people of all age, groups and of all works of life. Sometimes a group of people talks on politics and others listen to them with rapt attention. That is why it is called a Mini Sangsad. In rural areas, social disputes are settled in a tea stall every now and then. Hence a tea stall is an important place of social gathering and at the same time a place of attraction for the common people.


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