book fair is an event focused on the sale and display of all kinds of books. It
has become very popular nowadays. In fact a book fair is regarded as an
occasion of great festivity to the book lovers. The tradition of book fair
originated from Bangla Academy which meant to commemorate the language
movement. A book fair usually held in the winter season on an open place in
most of the major cities of the country. It is organized by various
institutions on various occasions namely the martyrs’ day, the victory day, the
Independence Day, etc. The leading publishers of the country set up stalls of
their recent publications as well as old ones. Some importers of foreign books
also set their own stalls. Thus a book fair usually becomes a meeting place of
a large number of attractive and well-decorated book stalls. Various kinds of
books novels, poetical works and science fictions are mainly presented in a
book fair. A festive look prevails all around. The prominent poets, artists,
intellectuals of the country gather there and take part in the seminars and
cultural programs. The most important thing about a book fair is that is can
play an important role in developing the habit of reading books among the
people. At the fairs, people can buy books on tempting commission. Thus
book-fairs widen the forum of reading public. People can also find shops
selling snacks at the corner of a fair. It is a tool to spread culture,
education and knowledge. It changes our viewpoint on life and widens our domain
of learning. After all book fairs are a noble enterprise and it can prove a
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